What is Wholistic Kinesiology®?

Wholistic Kinesiology is the art and science of neuromuscular evaluation for optimizing health. Or simply put, it is a remarkable tool that allows you to speak to the body. If we want to get more complicated, it is a neurological test for evaluating the body’s electromagnetic potentials.

When we do Kinesiology, we are working with the nervous system, which is an electrical system and has positive and negative flows. It creates an electromagnetic field around it (very measurable) and it can be shorted out just like our electrical systems in our homes. The Chinese systems of flow of electrical energy are called meridians. We make great use of the meridian flow pathways in the body in Kinesiology. The eastern medical practitioners have paved the way for us by literally mapping out electrical highways in the body. If electrical energy is not flowing properly to an organ or muscle or joint we can detect this imbalance through testing the nervous system. This system of diagnosis may sound simplistic, but it is very profound and valuable. We can literally ask the body how things are going internally. We can detect imbalances before they become symptomatic.

The Basic Tenants in Wholistic Kinesiology are:

  1. The body has an amazing ability to be well if it’s given the right tools. The power that made the body can heal the body.
  2. The body can tell you through muscle testing where imbalances are.
  3. The body runs on food, (carbohydrates, proteins, fats), vitamins and minerals and if it gets the proper amounts of these and the proper kinds of these, it will run smoothly and you will be healthy. If you ignore any of these elements, it will begin to malfunction and disease processes begin.
  4. Lack of nutrients can come from a variety of sources: in our diets, improper supplementation, excess stress (emotional, physical, and chemical), active disease processes, (parasites, yeast or fungal infections, viruses) and hereditary factors.
  5. The body can tell you what it needs through muscle testing and how much it needs in a very accurate way.

The above is accredited to Dr J Dunn, Creator of Wholistic Kinesiology.

What happens in a Wholistic Kinesiology session?

It is a noninvasive method to discern what your body’s individual requirements are at this time. You can bring your own supplements and products you are taking currently and we will ask your body if it needs it. It is like a reflex response and your body’s wisdom, innate intelligence, will inform us what it needs. It’s amazing! What if you don’t need everything you are currently taking. Of course it will not harm you, but what if you could save some money on supplements that are not providing you with what you absolutely require at this time?!

You will be fully clothed on a bodywork table. We will assess your body’s readiness to provide consistent accurate test responses via your deltoid muscle. If something isn’t responding correctly, we can easily correct it so your body provides us with consistent accurate information! Once we know you are ready we will begin with muscle testing specific body points that help us gather information about the health of your organs. Then we will ask your body what priority it wants to work on. Remember if you give the body what it needs, it can heal itself.

We will continue to assess your body’s reactions to toxins, etc. and then ask what nutritional supplements it needs to rebalance itself easily and naturally. The specific sequences and protocols performed will help your body adjust and return to balance. Methylation is a process that assists the body to overcome genetic glitches that may be compromising your body’s efficiency. If the body can assimilate and eliminate properly, health is restored. We will double-check what supplemental program your body needs and provide you with a simple program to choose to apply or not. But why not?! The products and supplements are top quality nutrients to give your body exactly what it wants and needs.