Doris Carrasco

Tracey Leigh Whittet

Words cannot explain what occurred during my session.  My expansion of consciousness has been magnified.  I Am truly a divine being who has expanded way beyond normal.  The clearing of my ancestors was a profound experience.  Attachments and entrapments were removed and those energies were released into purity.  I now become self actualized to create life like I want and … Read More

Antoinette Villamil

Tracey Leigh Whittet

Thank you for sending the audio and for your insight, presence, and ability to hold so much for so many. I am seeing how this is integrating and it’s fascinating. I can tell I am clearing so much right now – lots of dreams, tears, and feeling unmoored. But in between, a feeling of steadiness, intention, and release. We will … Read More

Frances Kean

Tracey Leigh Whittet

My gratitude is boundless, Tracey. Thank you so much for the beautiful session. I have much to integrate. I felt so light and clear. During the session I had such a sense of profound beauty and peace arise as though I was being showered with rainbows coming from your presence and voice.  I listen to the recording and it draws … Read More

Adrienne Rae Thayer

Tracey Leigh Whittet

Thank you Tracey. I think it has taken me some time to truly resonate with the gift you have given me. That transmosis session was INCREDIBLE! I am still in shock by how powerful it was. It was all love and I know my soul was present with us. It has yet again given me another message through you and … Read More

Pattie Christianson

Tracey Leigh Whittet

Tracey’s guidance during the session helped the healing of the passings of both my children. When I came out of the session I felt a magnitude of peace and comfort. I felt new. Less burdened, less guilt, less torture that I had created towards myself. A calmness on my heart that I had not felt in many years. I listened … Read More

Carol Anderssen


Working with higher frequencies means having to clear on a regular basis for me. It is important to only work with those of the highest integrity. Tracey is an extremely gifted healer. The work she does is gentle and loving. I can open myself with full trust with the knowing it will be for my highest good. Recommending Tracey to … Read More

Terese Kitts


The first time I came and encouraged Bob to come was because we had been through immense transitions, including many losses. I wanted to clear away perhaps any debris we had gathered on the way to Santa Fe. The first time the result helped me visualize the Masters around me. As you verbalized what you saw, it helped me imagine … Read More

Lovett Bayne


My first session with Tracey was to seek help in overcoming residual anxiety from my chaotic, dysfunctional childhood. I left the session with overwhelming feelings of love and peace for myself and others. The session helped propel me out of the dark hole of anxiety and depression. Since the first session I have had others with Tracey, each focused on … Read More

Louise SaintOnge


I was in a very challenging period in my life and tried to slog my way through it myself, with tools and resources from my own ‘medicine bag’, if you will. I typically shy away from receiving support from others and especially having energy work done – so many people don’t know what they’re doing with energy, and I am … Read More

Marijon Johnson


My session was for clearing blockages, old trauma, that was keeping me from embodying my divine feminine. Trust and my inability to receive were issues I was dealing with. My sessions were very empowering. The Divine Mother’s energy was present in my sessions. Tracey is not only very gifted Spiritually but also has many techniques for helping to heal and … Read More

Debbie Jacobs


I have known Tracey Whittet 54 years. She is very in tune with the spiritual world. I received a message through my deceased brother-in law through Tracey. If not through her help, I would never have received it. Recently I went through a 3-week hellish stay. Tracey set me on a better nutritional diet regarding my particular situation. She is … Read More

Catherine Herrmann


One of the most amazing and talented energy workers that I have met during my lifetime. Tracey Whittet combines utter compassion with an “inner knowing” which allows the individual to release deep seeded non-beneficial patterns with ease and grace. Her compassion is unparalleled, allowing you (as the client) to always feel at peace and incredibly safe in her presence. Her … Read More

KA’ryna SH’ha


What can be said about a being who surpasses the title she embodies so exquisitely?….”A Divine Gift”. I only let the most adept, sensitive, and wise work on my body and being and I have had the privilege of meeting one of the best! I have laid on a table and had her harmonizing hands stitch together the fragmented feelings … Read More

Sharyn Abbott, Author and Speaker


Tracey was able to do a spiritual healing for me, which was extraordinary. The first thing I experienced was the removal of the pain from my lungs I had for a couple of months. Once that was gone, I felt my heart literally relax from the tension I had been feeling and was able to breathe easily. Tracey’s work is … Read More

Michael John Hall


I had the gift and honor of a session with Tracey recently. I have been “around the block” for thirty years with many of the best healers on earth. The session with Tracey was among the best I have ever experienced. Healing, honoring and deeply affirming at the soul level. Profound. Peaceful. Tracey held a safe space for a journey … Read More